Many young people do not know how to eat right and thus weaken their immune system, putting the body at risk. Some people do not consciously attach importance to good nutrition. But a healthy diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases and ensures the growth, vitality, and development of human beings. And if you don’t eat right, who knows what can happen to you, if not now, then in the future. And in this regard, the risk group, oddly enough, includes students. Student times are stressful, financially deprived, nervous, lacking sleep and, it seems, there’s no time to think about nutrition.
How students should eat
Let’s take a look at a typical day as a student. How does it go? As always, mornings start with rushing to get ready: washing up, finding your notebooks, looking for your mobile phone, and lots and lots of other things that you don’t even have time to eat breakfast. For many of us, this is how the morning starts. And at the end of the first class, everyone rushes to the nearest supermarket to fill their stomachs.
But you can make it if you get up 15 minutes early. Don’t exclude breakfast from your plan for the day. Make it the first item. Trust us, it won’t take long to get a delicious and healthy breakfast, and you’ll notice your mental capacity improves. Quite possibly you will no longer wonder who will write my essay for me, because now you will find the energy to do it yourself. So, you can have plain porridge for breakfast: rice, oatmeal, or mashed potatoes, buckwheat, pasta, fruits, and vegetables will be good additions. Drinks include tea with milk, coffee, and juice, and you will have energy for a long time.
Once you have had breakfast, you can go to school with no worries. It’s the middle of the day and you should have lunch, but you don’t always find the time to do it. So let’s talk about a “snack”. For a snack, it is best to have some yogurt, a pear, or a banana, but by no means a hot dog or a hamburger. Students often prefer to buy food from the nearest fast food outlets, which can have consequences: stomach ulcers, increased fatigue, and weight gain.
And if you have the option of eating out, that’s a very good thing. It is advisable to have a small amount of the first course – meat or fish soup, and the second course – meat with potatoes, fish with a side dish, and you may also have dessert, tea or juice if you wish. Try to have hot food every day, because in this form it will not lose its nutrients and will be quickly absorbed by the body. You should start lunch with the first meal and only afterward proceed to the second one.
There is usually a long gap between lunch and dinner. Of course, you can wait until dinner, but try to add an afternoon snack to your plan. Here you can have tea and a biscuit or a glass of milk and a bun, i.e. the meal should be light. For dinner, dishes such as eggnog, pudding, tea, or juice are good.
Remember that the body does not lose much energy at night, so you should not eat too much at night; salads, fruit, etc. are the best option.
Beverages and vitamins
Now let’s talk about beverages. On study days and especially during sessions, students consume large quantities of various energy drinks and coffee to cheer themselves up. Consumption of such drinks increases performance, discourages sleep, but it works only for a short time. And after overexertion of the nervous system, inhibition, severe fatigue, lack of mood, in extreme cases depression is possible. When you are tired, it is better to drink orange juice, it relieves the feeling of fatigue and is harmless to the body. Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of drinking water during the day.
Believe us, it is impossible to get enough vitamins, necessary for the body, from food alone. Especially in autumn, when our immune system is under attack the most. So add supplements and vitamins to your diet.