No Questions Left Unanswered About Hair Transplant

We gathered not only the frequently asked questions but also those less answered. Leaving no question unanswered, you will find a wealth of information in the content below regarding all you want to know about a hair transplant procedure.

Which country has the cheapest hair transplant?

Turkey, India, Hungary, and Poland are the world’s cheapest hair transplant destinations. Hair transplant in Turkey is the most popular due to highly rated customer service and skilled surgeons.

Is it true that hair transplants stay indefinitely?

Hair transplant outcomes last a long time and are thought to last for a lifetime. The operation is also time-consuming and necessitates a period of healing and rehabilitation.

Is it possible for your body to reject a hair transplant?

There is no such thing as a donor or a beneficiary since your hair is transplanted to you from your own scalp or elsewhere in your body. Without immune-suppressant medicines, your body would reject hair, follicles, and tissue from someone else.

Does it uncomfortable to have a hair transplant?

Not so much, a hair transplant is not that unpleasant given that it’s considered a surgery, thanks to local anesthetic and post-operative pain meds. While no procedure is fully painless, and some discomfort is likely to be transient, most hair loss sufferers find that a hair transplant is a straightforward experience and worth the life-changing results.

What are the drawbacks of hair transplant surgery?

Scalp bleeding, itching, some pain, and discomfort in the first week after the procedure.

Is it true that donor hair grows back?

Yes, it is possible. A number of factors influence whether or not hair grows back and how long it takes for regular hair development to restart in the donor location. The method of extraction, as well as how you care for your donor region after hair transplant surgery, have an impact.

Is it possible to transplant hair from someone else?

Unfortunately, even if the hairs are from one of your relatives, a hair transplant using someone else’s hair is impossible. The hair follicles would be recognized as alien entities by the immune system, which would fight them. Without the follicles having time to grow in, the transplanted hair would fall out again.

Is it possible to have a natural-looking hair transplant?

Hair transplants, in general, are super realistic because they use actual human hair from donor areas of your own head. 

How long does a hair transplant take?

The majority of patients remain awake throughout the procedure and simply require a local anesthetic to numb the scalp. To assist them to relax, some patients are given a moderate sedative. The duration of the operation depends on the number of grafts needed and it’s calculated by Norwood Scale. Generally speaking, hair transplant surgery lasts from three to seven hours on average but this also depends on the number of grafts transplanted and can be divided over a couple of days.

After a hair transplant, does the donor region appear thin?

Hair regrowth will only occur in locations where the hair follicles were not completely destroyed in the donor site. The impact will be scarcely perceptible since your hair transplant surgeon will harvest follicles from an area of the scalp with the densest concentration of hair.

What about afro hair?

Specifically in Turkey, surgeons are able to transplant afro hair types with the highest success rate in the world. This type of hair is more difficult and labour-intensive to transplant.

Are you aware of what’s going on throughout your hair transplant procedure?

A hair transplant is normally performed under local anesthesia and sedation, so you will be aware but not in discomfort.

When will I be able to shower following my hair transplant?

After a hair transplant process, patients can bathe right away, but they should keep their scalp dry. They can gently bathe the transplanted regions after 48 hours, but they should avoid allowing shower water to directly impact the new grafts. Patients may shower and wash their hair regularly after one week.

When it comes to hair transplants, how bald is too bald?

Which regions of the body can be utilized as a donor site? 7000 to 8000 grafts are typically required to cover the skull of a totally bald person. However, because there isn’t enough hair on the back of the scalp, physicians have to take hair from other places of the body.

Can I get a different cosmetic surgery and hair transplant at the same time?

The answer depends on the type of the surgery but the answer is generally yes.

If you are going to get a facial surgery like forehead reduction, you must wait at least 8 months for your skin to be healed completely.

On the other hand, if your next cosmetic surgery has nothing to do with your scalp, then you can get it done without any issues. As an example, let’s say you went to Turkey for a hair transplant and would like to get a gynecomastia surgery in Turkey as well, then you are probably a good candidate for both procedures.

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