Lifestyle: Can a Messy Home Lead to Divorce?

It is not unusual for women to surprise their lovers by asserting that they must be able to cook in order to be considered a complete human being. The media propagates the idea that “you can’t be a lady if you can’t cook,” and they are rather forceful about this notion. As soon as the remark is made public, there is a flurry of activity in terms of discourse. Others believe that it is an essential part of a woman’s role to be able to cook and maintain a respectable household, otherwise be ready for a divorce over a messy house. A man can quickly file for online divorce in Louisiana and leave in this case, people say. Unless, of course, she hopes to provide her family with a joyful environment at home. Some people believe that a contented life cannot be guaranteed by the housekeeping skills of a woman, but rather that it depends on several other variables. So should a wife be a good housewife or not? 

Maintenance department

In the majority of households, the primary responsibility of a woman is to perform exceptionally well in her duty as a homemaker. Many people are still working hard to fulfill these requirements. 

A woman who is incapable of preparing meals is analogous to a man who is unable of driving a nail into a wall. Some of the most influential voices in the media and the entertainment industry believe that the notion that women should not be allowed to cook is the work of the devil. Everyone in the family, even the grandmothers, and great-grandmothers was occupied with preparing food for the gathering. In recent years, many women have claimed that they should take no action at all and that this is the best course of action. 

This viewpoint, which maintains that the most essential component of family life is having a clean house with a well-fed spouse, is shared by a large number of women as well as other members of the less powerful gender. 

Is it not true that the term “wife” can also refer to an adulterous relationship? I presume that “one of the Internet users is confident” if the statement that a horrible hostess is indicative of a lousy marriage. A friend of mine recently expressed her dissatisfaction with her daughter-in-law, claiming that she was a lousy hostess. As a direct consequence of this, her partner of two years eventually divorced her. To prevent a guy from fleeing, it is critical to provide him with food and attention on a regular basis. She informed her husband that she has been a wonderful cook for him for the past three decades and that this is the reason why they are still together. 


True, some women who adhere to this point of view are so fascinated with the household that they subjugate their entire lives to it, and at the same time, the lives of their loved ones. My next-door neighbor spends her days ironing, cleaning, and preparing meals. She starts preparing for visitors about a month in advance, making sure the flat is spotless and the treatment is up to level with restaurant fare. In the worst-case scenario, the visitors will conclude that she is a terrible host. For her, there could be no more devastating prognosis than that. 

Such women feel that the primary role of the wife is to keep the house tidy and cook properly. They don’t care about the husband’s issues or past experiences. Yes, sometimes they don’t get it because they’re so focused on the economics that they don’t have time to grow. Their hobbies increasingly become limited to doing the laundry, cooking, and watching television. The husband’s inner world is no longer compatible with this circle. Consequently, the man next to him grows bored. And he either starts looking for a secondary gig or just quits. 

A well-known psychotherapist recounted the example of a woman whose husband left her after 25 years of marriage because she was obsessed with cleanliness and the kitchen. “And what did he need – fed, washed.?” Why do you need so much more of this stuff? 

Those against 

“I’m not a housekeeper,” is the major catchphrase of women in this group. For them, being a good housewife doesn’t mean being a good wife, and vice versa. There are several examples of women who aren’t known for their stellar housekeeping abilities yet nonetheless manage to coexist happily and contentedly with their spouses. 

As a rule, husbands who were raised in such a household are willing to put up with their wives’ sloppy habits and will not divorce over a messy house. As a result, they see this type of conduct as the standard for women and think it is acceptable. In contrast to this, some men look for a bride who will be the full opposite of her mother in this respect. The concept that a wife must be a mistress is considered ethically outmoded by many modern women. 


The homes of such ladies are typically in a constant state of disarray. Things are never organized in a tidy fashion. When a home chef prepares soup for lunch, it is hailed as a victory, especially if the home cook is accustomed to eating dry food. 

The single most important fact to bear in mind is that, on average, wives who do not participate in household chores are shown to be less attentive and compassionate toward their partners than those who do. According to the opinions of psychologists, this is because the individuals in question are so preoccupied with their ambitions that they are blind to the need of the people around them. As a consequence of this, they do not attempt to communicate their love and concern to the people closest to them. Not only do these women’s husbands not notice the borscht, but they also don’t notice other things. 

According to the opinions of several experts, father-daughter relationships are very typical in households like this. However, a man will ultimately start to turn to the side if a woman does not develop and mature on the inside to fulfill the fundamentally feminine responsibilities that are expected of her within the home. 

Happy medium 

Whatever one thinks of a woman’s thrift, it is nevertheless seen as a virtue. Most men see a woman’s willingness to help around the house as a sign of her concern. Economic women, on the other hand, have always left an indelible mark on the more powerful sex. 

In his adolescence, one of my friends recalls going to see a friend of a classmate. The flat is immaculate, the food is wonderful, and the hostess herself is busy. However, he ended up being married to an entirely different young lady, one who isn’t all that talented in the kitchen. However, at least their home is always tidy and organized. Although it’s not optimal. 

This method has the support of many women’s rights activists. Doing chores does not lead them to be rejected, they acknowledge As a bonus, kids like doing chores around the house or cooking their favorite foods. They, of course, have a number of other favorite pastimes. As far as I know, it isn’t feasible to live in a barn. For my own sanity’s sake and not to gratify a guy! I, on the other hand, refuse to make doing the dishes my life’s purpose.

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