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The impact of time on appearance and well-being cannot be stopped. But this fast and often relentless current can be slowed down. For example, using dermal fillers – will help you look like you did 10 years ago. But what about health? Even at 60, you can jump out of bed at 6 a.m., smile at your reflection in the mirror, go for a morning run, and feel young and cheerful thanks to good nutrition. And a holistic cooking consultant explains what anti-age nutrition is.

Youth, lightness, energy, tone, and beauty do not begin with a beautician and daily three-hour workouts in the gym. Youth begins with a plate. Of course, food will not turn back the clock, but it can stop the main factor that provokes aging – chronic internal inflammation. You can use the latest advances in beauty to keep you youthful, but if you don’t manage the inflammation, the results will be minimal – or there won’t be any at all.

Inflammation is dangerous because we practically do not feel it, but over time it can damage DNA and degenerate into a serious disease. Chronic inflammation depletes antioxidants in cells and provokes the growth of hackneyed free radicals, which have earned a bad reputation for good reason: they damage cells, accelerate aging, thin the skin… And inevitably add extra years.

What causes chronic inflammation?


Especially chronic, which we experience every day: at work, in traffic, at home… Elevated cortisol causes oxidative stress – excessive oxidative processes in cells and, consequently, inflammation.

Excessive exercise or lack thereof

Yes, yes, moderation is important everywhere – and in sports too. Physical inactivity is also destructive – a disease of our century, resulting from a lack of activity (the usual scheme: house – car – work – 8 hours sitting – car – house).


More about this. We’ll start with gluten (from the word glue). In modern wheat, this protein is 70% more than 15 years ago. Our body is simply not able to cope with a large amount of this “sticky” protein.

  1. Gluten glues intestinal villi, impairs digestion, provokes the development of autoimmune diseases, depression, Alzheimer’s disease. And it also reduces the level of estrogen – the key to beautiful, smooth skin and female hormonal health and youth.
  2. Now sugar. It triggers a powerful wave of inflammatory reactions. And alas, sugar is not only eclairs. These are raw cereals, fruits, fried “crusts” (meat, bread, and even cheesecakes). All these goodies contribute to the formation of end products of glycation, hundreds of times accelerating the rate of aging.
  3. The main secret of youth is not only the absence of favorite sweets in the diet but, first of all, the control of the consumption of fruits and cereals. After 40 years, forget about oatmeal with dried fruits for breakfast. Use only gentle cooking methods: baking, boiling, sous vide.
  4. Omega 6. An imbalance of Omega 6 and Omega 3 has a great influence on the youth of the body. Where do low-quality fats come from? From refined oils (in particular – sunflower), industrial products, dairy products. What to do? Use only unrefined oils and whole fats: nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut.
  5. Dairy lactose. Milk and dairy products increase blood insulin levels (lactose in milk is the same milk sugar). Constantly elevated insulin levels can cause a whole cascade of inflammatory reactions that inevitably lead to hormonal failure. According to the latest data, lactose intolerance in the Russian population has increased by 60%. Sometimes the symptoms are considered “normal” and not associated with the use of dairy products: headache, fatigue, acne. Draw your own conclusions.
  6. Antinutrients. These are natural “defenders” of plants from being eaten by animals, including humans – lectins, phytates, gluten in cereals (including wheat), nuts, legumes. It is not worth removing them from your diet, but it is simply necessary to process them – the way our ancestors did. It is necessary to soak cereals and legumes, cook sourdough bread, “activate” nuts, also soak them from 3 to 12 hours. This helps to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, neutralize anti-nutrients, and reveals the full potential of the seed by 100% – then it will bring maximum benefit to the body.

In fact, everything sounds scarier than it really is. Now on the Internet, you can find many recipes for healthy and satisfying food, which is:

  • gluten-free;
  • lactose-free;
  • free of animal products;
  • with minimum oil;
  • using “activated” nuts and gluten-free cereals;
  • with whole fats from avocado, coconut, and nuts;
  • sugarless;
  • without flour;
  • without frying!

You just need to spend quite a bit of time and find them. Be healthy!


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